The PM is not shy of projecting the government’s vision but the Opposition scuppers every aspect of reforms. FDI in retail would have benefited the consumers and farmers at the cost of scalping middlemen, but the government is not able to carry the executive decision through and consequently, we are forced to contend with double digit inflation. Providing largesse to the poor by opening the spigots of deficit financing is fraught with danger especially since it is a well known fact that only a small fraction of the money reaches the intended beneficiary. India has already lost heavily and irretrievably because of its slothful, selfish and bumbling governments since Independence. It is for the government which has comfort in numbers in Parliament to show that it means business, although this comfort in numbers comes from the allies who are behaving worse than the adversaries.
The cleanliness and eco drive on 4th December drew just a handful of volunteers. Anish, Juilee, Kiana, Samiksha, Adwita, Kavya and Mr. S. Krishnaswamy were the few who felt that environment plays a big role in our well being. The rubbish heap of plastic containers, sachets, bottles and sundry other objects of waste from the flower beds and nooks and crannies were picked and transported to the rubbish dump.
A serious and tragic movie got trivialised when crowds rushed through the turnstile to view “Dirty Picture”, a Silk Smitha biopic with the lead role essayed by actress Vidya Balan. Promos showing Vidya’s décolletage made the cads rush to view more prurient exposes. While titillation may have been the mantra on which Silk Smitha ascended the tinsel towns’ dizzy heights, there was a more human and touching side to the drama which she amongst others havehad to endure in this vicious world of exploitation. If it was a duplicitous attempt to draw the crowds and achieve critical acclaim at the same time, Ekta Kapoor the producer has achieved the double whammy.
On Sunday mornings in winter, lethargy may dictate that you stay cocooned in bed wrapped in a duvet with hot cup of tea and watching some inane TV programme; or as an alternative you explore the great outdoors with a sunny disposition. The few who did the latter on 8th December and ventured for the heritage walk to Surajkund were truly rewarded with an awesome experience. I have been to Surajkund several times but I did not know that a dam built in the 8th century existed there. This is where Dr. Ramji Narayanan’s encyclopaedic knowledge comes handy.
Gathered under a benign sun, the motley crowd enjoyed the scenic splendour unfolding near the dam where we could also spot the endangered Nilgai pursuing its mate in its natural surroundings. It was an experience both spectacular and enlightening. You could do the former every Sunday but the experience of being close to nature and history with a master historian like Ramji is something of a rarity. To me it is not a Hobsons choice. Those who didn’t make it, lost out on a splendid opportunity.
Yuletide spirit was alive and kicking at the Christmas carnival on 25th December. Anirudh of H-008 as Santa, eager to please the kids, made his grand entrance only to be mobbed by the army of children. When things got too hot he started tossing the goodies but the children wouldn’t let go. He decided fleeing was the better part of valour and showed a clean pair of heels! The kiddie choir, tutored by Seema Chari, sang the carols on cue and with lots of gusto to the accompanying strains of piano expertly played by Aditi. The inviting presence of a bonfire on this bitterly cold day was the magnet which drew the crowds like a moth to a flame. It however, took a while for the wood to catch fire and crackle.
The “Yamuna All Girls Band” crooners, sang three songs including one of their own composition. The band consisting of Nandita on vocals, Aditi on lead guitar and Divya on rhythm guitar gave a good account of themselves. The much awaited rock and blues show had to be called off as Ramanan the frontman, mistook his finger for a nail while doing some repairs and landed the hammer squarely on his playing finger and let out a yelp that could be heard ten houses away. I have not heard a busted finger guitarist before and it was not going to happen this day as well. Mr. Harishankar who had offered to give gifts to all the performers whose items were adjudged first or second at the Annual Day wanted the participants to receive them in the glare of the flood lights. Mrs. Rajalakshmi (Harishankar’s mother) gave away the prizes. By then, the catwalk participants who had come all decked up were getting a little impatient. Therefore, without much ado, we let it roll. Fancy headgear and boots, among accoutrements, made it difficult to pick the winners. In the end the ones who showed much pizzazz were adjudged the winners. Among the junior girls and boys, Sameeksha took the top prize while the cute Samarth, displaying the swagger of his dad, took the second prize. Amongst the senior girls, Prakriti, who knows the moves thanks to her jazz dance background came ahead of Medha Nair who was very snazzily dressed in Parisian couture. Amongst the ladies, the crowd favourite, Seema, dressed in a black ensemble took the top prize as in 2010. Prema Manoj, who has shed some pounds, looked svelte in her winter attire, came a close second. The judge got carried away with Kunal Savarkar”s rakish good looks and handed him the first prize and the ever entertaining P. K. K. Nair did his dance moves and crooned his way to the second prize. Barring one prize, all the prizes were donated by Mr. Narayanan of C-007, Mr. Manoj Subramanian of H-206 Gita Rastogi of C-004 and Poornima Narayanan of B-002.
There were enough food options for people to satisfy their hunger pangs. Apart from the commercial stall holders, Gita Rastogi and Poornima Narayanan sold home baked cake and cookies. They contributed Rs. 300 and Rs. 200 respectively to defray the expenses.
While many drifted home by 9.30 pm, some stayed on to warm themselves in the dying embers of the bonfire.
(More pictures of the heritage walk and Christmas bash in the Yamuna Photo Album.)
Philanthropists get a joy out of giving. Mohan Krishnaswamy gifted a bicycle, Deepak Varma, a couple of swing seats and Mala Sundaresan, two telephone instruments to the Society this month. We would like to express our gratitude for this largesse.
The Yamuna cricket team earned laurels for the Society by lifting the “IZZAT CUP” in a tournament against other teams in the city. Congratulations, to all the participants.
We bade farewell to 2011 and welcomed the New Year with the cutting of the cake in the Community Hall with confetti and bear hugs. We wish all the residents a very rewarding 2012.
Mr. & Mrs. Sivaramakrishnan of E-304 have packed their bags and moved to their home town, Thrissur in Kerala. Mr. Sivaramakrishnan had played a key role at the time of formation of the Society and its nascent years. They have now rented out their flat. Their absence from the Yamuna scene will be sorely missed.
In a move that wouldn’t give much of a workout to the movers Suresh and family made a horizontal move from E-302 to E-304.
It is always refreshing to have new faces in the colony. Mr. Anand V Rao has moved into C-205 from London. Anand who is originally from Bangalore got married to Aditi only last month and they are still finding their feet amongst other things. Anand is an Insights Director at IMRB and can be reached on 9990672647. His other passions are reading, writing, cooking and photography. Aditi who has done her Masters in Social Work and is currently pursuing a course in Child Rights Law was working with an NGO called Parivar in Bangalore. She is looking for a similar opportunity in Delhi. She shares similar free time hobbies with Anand like cooking and reading. She also likes to travel. She can be reached on 9741691127. We welcome this couple to the Yamuna family.
Anup Nair and Nisha Jayaram have decided to make E-302 their home. They have moved from GK 1. They were motivated to move here after coming to know of the active social scene in the colony. Anup works with the Australian National University and can be reached on 9873672071. He is an avid sportsperson with interests in all sporting activities. Nisha who is originally from Bangalore works with CII in the environment and energy space. She is an all rounder with interests in reading, cooking, music and badminton amongst others. She can be reached on 981061549. This young couple will add to the youthful exuberance of Yamuna.
Junior Prashant and Isha of C-202 have been blessed with a bonny boy who arrived into this world on 8th December, 2011. I reckon we can address him as sub-junior. Both mother and child are doing fine. Mr & Mrs. Gopal are delighted to be grandparents.
Ravishankar of A-306 got married in Chennai on 30th December to Meenakshi, fondly called Krithika. Unfortunately, since no functions are scheduled for Delhi we will miss out on all the fun. We wish the couple the very best that life can offer and welcome Krithika to the Yamuna family.
sugar in the blood, iron in the arteries and an inexhaustible supply of natural gas.