The new Managing Committee
Standing (left to right):
Mohan Krishnaswamy(G-206): Executive Committee Member
Harishankar(G-106): Joint Secretary
Mahesh Eswaran (A-303):Executive Committee Member
V. Ramanarayanan(A-110): Executive Committee Member
Thomas Abraham(A-008):Executive Committee Member
S. Srinivasan(A-108):Executive Committee Member
Bharati Ramakrishnan(A-007):Secretary
Jyothi Subramaniam(C-007):Executive Committee Member
Mohan Narayanan(B-002):Vice-President
Sudha Umapathy(D-104):Executive Committee Member
Seated (left to right):
Seetha Venkataraman(G-102):Executive Committee Member
Congrats to the new committee! I look forward to what is to come. But I write in for something else: the photo of the park that is the header right now outdoes the one of the illuminated pathway that you had up earlier - it's a really beautiful picture! A friend of mine who lives elsewhere once said that the trees that border YA (since she only ever saw it from the outside) make it seem as though it's a different world 'inside'... It's hard to disagree with that :) And this is one of those photos that gives a glimpse of that inside world. Thanks to whoever took it.
- sumathi, H107
All the photographs you've seen so far on the blog have been taken by Ramabhadran (E-202).When I was redesigning the second version of the Yamuna blog, I requested him to take a few pictures of the colony for the header. Instead, I was generously showered with a whole album! Ram is now our official blog photographer and also covers all the events that take place from time to time.
hi sumathi,
Yes you are absolutely correct.The header is really good and i agree with you.This is best of all the snaps and indeed its a different world ! i even told ram the same what poornima has written here that "he" is our official photographer :-))
Hi Mohan and Poornima,
The Annual day was a huge success. It was really a good idea to give a presentation on KK and his merits and his times in yamuna . Kudos !
It was great gesture on the part of KK to personally wish each and everyone after the programme got over in the dais. Inspite of Soaring to Great heights and making a mark on the Indian filmdom , his humble and down to earth attitude touched one and all . I am very much sure on this count.. He rememberd each one of us by name itself is an authentication that he is a pure good natured Soul.and expect every yamunite will agree with this.
Interestingly , As the US election finished and Obama elected was a great news. Far away from US, here (us!)-Yamunites- elected the next generation members under the Guidance of the old members. The “change we need” which echoed in the US seemes to have got rubbed on yamunites and the new set of Managing committee (Young Turks!) are holding the reins! I am sure there will lot of new ideas, suggesstions coming up
(I am sure they sure have surprises up their sleeves !)
Talking of social gatherings on various occasions for yamunites I feel people like You who have made the feeling of living in Yamuna a “Special experience”- be it Diwali,Diwali Mela (in particular),Sports Day, Annual day or for that matter any social gatherings. I may be doing injustice if I do not name those people who along with you have made living yamuna a special and unique experience. Naming them all in this blog will need a long list! Not only such functions help the residents know each others better but also is a great stress buster. I very much remember as a teen along with my friends eagerly used to look forward to such occasions. I have come across so many ex-residents missing yamuna as it has special tag to it.
KK’s programme which was a success would have given an impetus to all the younger lots of yamuna to do well in life and make a name for themselves as well as make the society proud.
Do I need to say ? The younger lot of yamuna hold a lot promise .Whichever sphere/career they may be in I am sure they will make yamuna proud.
Hope this special experience continues forever…..
I agree with Chinu that it was an amazing Annual Day. KK energized us all with his performance and it is an event we will remember for a long time.
Amidst his busy schedule KK also took time to meet with the Yamuna Band "Dementia" and it was a great moment for the members of the band.
I look forward to seeing the pictures from the Annual Day and also the video coverage of the event.
Hi everyone!
I have been behind the lens as and when it has been possible and have tried to present things as it happens.
I am not sure if you have ever had a chance to sneak into the other albums. You would find them in a link called " Yamuna Happenings", and thanks for the compliments. It is indeed a great encouragement.
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