Yamuna’s residents descended in hordes on the lawn to display their athletic prowess on a bright and sunny morning on 2nd November. It started off with “picking the toffees” for children under 5 years. Obviously, the children had their backers, who egged them on so vociferously that you could be excused for mistaking it for a pit bull fight. While many children managed to collect the toffees only in single digits or barely reaching double digits, obviously distracted by the odd behaviour of the adults surrounding them, Kiana Abraham of A-008, kept her wits about her and grabbed a massive 57 toffees.
The men, who have been absent for a couple of years, decided to show their athletic prowess after much cajoling. Thomas of A-008 and Raja of C-007 were the respective winners in different categories. I must admire the women, though. They were the largest single group of participants. I have been noticing over several years that the Mani clan from B-201 are always amongst the winners. This time they were represented by only Radha Mani and daughter Srilakshmi. Mr. Mani, the indomitable legal eagle with an indestructible commitment to the legal profession has nary the time for such frivolous activity.
The road race was very popular. The winner in the girls section had no peer. Madhuri of C-006 scorched the tarmac, while the rest were left chasing her smoke trails. Other notable winners of the Sports Day were Ananya (G-205), Aryan (E-202), Shreya (C-003), Gowri ( C-007), Tejas ( G-106), Ananya ( G-304), Hari (C-204), Poornima(B-002), Ritu (G-001), Poornima (G-205), Vinayak (C-007), and Janani (G-202).
The quiz competition held on 8th November saw 15 participants vying their scholarly heft, against each other. The teams were split into groups of three, with each team consisting of one adult and two children. The quizmaster, Sumathi Chandrashekaran (H –107), did a magnificent job in preparing the format of the contest and composing the questions. She could give some celebrity quizzers like Siddharth Basu or Ronnie Screwala a complex. Fortunately, we had a lively audience for an event of this nature. The participants gave very outlandish names to their teams like, VAK, RED FIRES, NITRO, WARTHOGS and ARROW. NITRO with team members Savita (E-301), Bhaskar (A- 301) and Ram (A-001) led from start to finish and were the runaway winners with 140 points. VAK with team members Venkat and Archit (G-103) and Kasish (A-301) tried gamely but did not have the ammunition to overhaul NITRO and finished second with 120 points. Some members of the audience answered a few questions, which the teams could not answer and were rewarded with chocolates, brought by Sumathi. Ram was simply outstanding and was mainly instrumental in NITRO winning with such a large margin.
This year’s AGM, held in front of the office on 9th November was a landmark. For the first time, the Members attended the meeting as de-jure owners, owing to the Lt. Governor having regularised the allotment of Flats. The outgoing President, Mr. Raghavan, lavished praise on Mr. T. N. V. Nair for his invaluable help in fructifying this, in what had hitherto seemed an endless pursuit since 1980. This year also saw for the first time, new Members who had bought the flats on resale. It was the dawn of a new era, as the newly elected Managing Committee was largely comprised of first time office bearers. Mr. C. S. Menon was elected President for an unprecedented sixth time in the history of the Society. The other executive committee members are:
Mohan Narayanan (B-002)
Bharti Ramakrishnan (A-007)
Joint Secretary
R. Padmanabhan ( B-304)
Gita Rastogi (C-004)
Jyothi Subramanian (C-007)
Mahesh Eswaran (A-303)
Mohan Krishnaswamy (G-206)
Parvathy Eswaran (H-202)
Seetha Venkataraman (G-102)
S. Srinivas (A-108)
Sudha Umapathy (D-104)
Thomas Abraham (A-008)
V. Ramanarayanan (A-009)
Many flat owners voiced their opinion on raising the maintenance charge to improve the facilities in the complex and bring about much needed repairs to arrest seepage. The ball is now in the new committee’s court and expectations are high.
The Annual Day this year did not lack the hype that an event of this nature should have; after all, KK, Bollywood’s evergreen crooner and our much loved neighbour from yesteryears was going to regale the audience in the “Return of the Native Concert”. Everything went to plan. The Chief Guest, Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra, MP and Chief Minister aspirant from Delhi,arrived on schedule, the sound system was great and the setting was awesome The invocation song by Srilakshmi( B-201) and Kritika of H-006, kick-started the proceedings. Mr. C. V. Narayanan gave away prizes to the winners of Sports and Badminton competitions, painting, quiz and illumination competitions, academic achievers. Yamuna’s octogenarians were also honoured.
Then came the moment everybody was waiting for with bated breath - to see the star of the evening belt out his hits. Geetha Rastogi had a surprise for the audience when she did a slideshow on KK’s growing years in Yamuna, with a collage of photographs from his childhood, painstakingly put together by Srikanth of C-003 and Geetha’s sister Latha. The touch of nostalgia no doubt was an emotional high for KK, and he gave his all to the assembled gathering. KK has a phenomenal stage presence and the ability to draw the audience to sing and sway with him. He sang most of his Bollywood hits. He did go back in time to sing his all time favourite, “Hello” by Lionel Ritchie, with his school time buddy on the guitar. He also showed us what the next generation could do when he asked his son Nakul to sing. No stage fright for this fella as he confidently rocked through a Linkin’ Park number. Back after the break, KK got the crowd on their feet and the kids on the stage to dance and sing with him, much like a Pied Piper. It was a riot! In the past, by the time the clock struck 8.00pm, the audience used to melt away and make a beeline for the dinner. Not on this day; residents were either glued to their seats or rooted to the ground, under a hypnotic spell. Even people not customarily seen on the dance floor in Yamuna, like Sridevi of G-303, were seen swinging to the music.
KK had arrived, signed a million autographs, posed with another million for photographs, partook in the dinner along with 325 others, listened to the audition of a couple of rock ballads played by Rangu and Ramanan, had a solo photo shoot done by our own Kuttan and left. To say that he conquered Yamuna would be an understatement. It was the return of the native and the retreat of the Emperor! There won’t be another Annual Day that can match this one in a long time. My personal thanks goes out to Mr. Ramabadhran of E-202, who not only raised more than 50% of the total ad revenue but also helped out in many other ways. My thanks also go out to Srikant(C-003), Harishankar (G-106) and Anand (H-005) and others for helping out.
Yamuna has finally bridged the tech gap by installing e-mail at the Office. The address is: yamuna.apts@gmail.com
Prashant (C-202) got his golden fleece when he tied the ‘mangal sutra’ around Isha’s neck on 30th Niovember in the lawn, on a bright and nippy morning. Everybody partook in the sumptuous breakfast and lunch while the bride, groom and the parents sat through the chanting of mantras and braved the smoke that was getting into their eyes from the holy fire. Marriages in Yamuna are big and enjoyable social affairs with all familiar faces in beautiful sarees .
Manoj Subramanaian, Country Manager for Tissot Watch Company has moved into C-205, from Mumbai alongwith his wife Prema. Both Manoj and Prema are gregarious and love to party. Their daughter, Saishaa is 4 years old and goes to Eurokids School. We welcome them to Yamuna.
6.00 pm. Screening of the much acclaimed movie A WEDNESDAY starring Naseeruddin Shah in the Badminton Court followed by Potluck Dinner.
9.30 am. Cleanliness and Eco-drive. Please assemble in the Badminton
6.30 pm Christmas Carnival with Variety entertainment, games, music & food stalls at the Badminton Court.
31.12 .2008
It is very easy to sit at home and complain. The same is happening during elections also. The thinking is, if I do not vote, if I don’t participate in the AGM, what difference will it make? If every individual thinks likewise, change for good shall never happen.
Our Annual Day function was a great success. The Caterer, while settling the accounts complained that some members were seen piling up their plates at the buffet and taking food home Worse still, some did not even have the basic decency of returning the plates! By God’s grace, all our residents are doing well for themselves –why leave a bad impression?
Every Member and resident should endeavour to keep Yamuna clean and participate in the community’s activities to the extent possible.The best excuse is to say I am busy, I have no time; but one can always find time for everything if there is a will.
The Managing Committee members and office-bearers do not work for any reward. The posts they hold are immaterial, as many hold more important and lucrative posts in their respective careers. They have volunteered for the office only so that the place where all of us live, our children play, our parents walk could be made better. The words of John F. Kennedy’, in his inaugural address of January 20th, 1961, come strongly to mind:
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Click on the pix for a closer look! Photographs of Annual Day can be ordered from the YCGHS Office @Rs.25/- each. A DVD of KK's performance will also be available at Rs.200/-.
annual day rocked this time........we <3 it...had a blast
Being so far away, it gives immense pleasure in getting to know Yamuna Happenings!!!
I was there for the annual day, may be not throughout K.K's concert but it was rocking..
The enthusiasim all our residents share is just unbeatable..
The annual day was rocking!!!!
Aarti Umapathy
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