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S. Srinivas

10 November, 2008

Sports Day - 2nd November, 2008

Click on the collage above to see larger pictures. View more pictures at the Yamuna Happenings link!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mohan and Poornima,

The Annual day was a huge success. It was really a good idea to give a presentation on KK and his merits and his times in yamuna . Kudos !

It was great gesture on the part of KK to personally wish each and everyone after the programme got over in the dais. Inspite of Soaring to Great heights and making a mark on the Indian filmdom , his humble and down to earth attitude touched one and all . I am very much sure on this count.. He rememberd each one of us by name itself is an authentication that he is a pure good natured Soul.and expect every yamunite will agree with this.

Interestingly , As the US election finished and Obama elected was a great news. Far away from US, here (us!)-Yamunites- elected the next generation members under the Guidance of the old members. The “change we need” which echoed in the US seemes to have got rubbed on yamunites and the new set of Managing committee (Young Turks!) are holding the reins! I am sure there will lot of new ideas, suggesstions coming up
(I am sure they sure have surprises up their sleeves !)

Talking of social gatherings on various occasions for yamunites I feel people like You who have made the feeling of living in Yamuna a “Special experience”- be it Diwali,Diwali Mela (in particular),Sports Day, Annual day or for that matter any social gatherings. I may be doing injustice if I do not name those people who along with you have made living yamuna a special and unique experience. Naming them all in this blog will need a long list! Not only such functions help the residents know each others better but also is a great stress buster. I very much remember as a teen along with my friends eagerly used to look forward to such occasions. I have come across so many ex-residents missing yamuna as it has special tag to it.

KK’s programme which was a success would have given an impetus to all the younger lots of yamuna to do well in life and make a name for themselves as well as make the society proud.
Do I need to say ? The younger lot of yamuna hold a lot promise .Whichever sphere/career they may be in I am sure they will make yamuna proud.

Hope this special experience continues forever…..



Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Harishankar

I personally know you very well and am very pleased that you have become an active participant.

More so, the personal message written by you to Yamunaites was most appreciated by me because rather than passing the buck and lazying around in their comfortable couches, the people of yamuna should now wake up and do their respective bit to make Yamuna a safe and sound place for their children.

If 300 of us cannot practice living together and working together for the betterment of our Yamuna , then expecting millions of Indians to do the same will be a mistake.

A Sanskrit shloka comes to my mind...

Udhyamey nahi sidhyanthi karyani na manorathaihi,

Nahi supthasya simhasya pravishanthi mukhe mrugaha.

Meaning goes….

The way a deer won't enter a sleeping lion's mouth,

The same way nothing can be achieved in life without hard work.

All the best to all

Sarve Janaha Sukhino Bhavanthu


Shubha Arun

Shubha said...

Dear Mr Harishankar

I personally know you very well and am very pleased that you have become an active participant.

More so, the personal message written by you to Yamunaites was most appreciated by me because rather than passing the buck and lazying around in their comfortable couches, the people of yamuna should now wake up and do their respective bit to make Yamuna a safe and sound place for their children.

If 300 of us cannot practice living together and working together for the betterment of our Yamuna , then expecting millions of Indians to do the same will be a mistake.

A Sanskrit shloka comes to my mind...

Udhyamey nahi sidhyanthi karyani na manorathaihi,

Nahi supthasya simhasya pravishanthi mukhe mrugaha.

Meaning goes….

The way a deer won't enter a sleeping lion's mouth,

The same way nothing can be achieved without hard work.

All the best to all

Sarve Janaha Sukhino Bhavanthu


Shubha Arun